Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Quality and Quantity of the Silhouette Cutting for Event's Booking

As a professional Portrait Silhouette Artist, a silhouette to be produce is usually done within a minute in a A6 paper (a quarter size of A4, or it look similar to our palm size), plus the time we put the artworks to the standard plastic bag with the background, it will be average 40 pieces artwork can be produced within an hour's booking.

Any artist who only produce 7 pieces silhouette cutting or much lesser than at least 30 pieces cutting within an hour's event booking in a big crowd's event, that mean they are fake artist or either purposely do it super slow to kill the booking time.This quantity standard, not set by me, is the feedback from many guests and clients that having such demand.

Due to people traveled to many countries easily nowadays, there are more and more people know how to judge our artworks.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Event at Asian Civilisation Museum

Did silhouette cutting at Asian Civilisation Museum's Night Festival.
Prepared colorful cutting paper as per requested by client.Some of my decoration.One of my most stylo guess in the event ;pKatherine Mah was in the event as well!Her artwork was real cool and real nice!My dinner of the day -- Spaghetti with tomato sauces.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Event at The Fullerton Bay Hotel

Did silhouette cutting at The Fullerton Bay Hotel and great to met Calligrapher Dorby Yip in the event.Maya Nova was doing her performance!Photo with event organisers.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Event at Marina Bay Sand Ballroom

This is my very first time doing my silhouette cutting in this newest building - Marina Bay Sand.According one of the staff claimed they are having the biggest ballroom/convention hall in South East Asia! That means if they openned all the partition of the convention hall, the space was allowed 8000 guests step in the related event! Whoa!As a roving artist, our job is to entertain the guests; so we must know when the guests was arriving that "filled up" the space of the ballroom, hence we have to choose the right time and the right crowd to start our roving job.Andy was doing balloon twisting in the event.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Private Event In National Musuem Singapore

Did a roving silhouette cutting for a private networking event under event company's arrangement.

Met Mr Yong from Yong Gallery doing his calligraphy in the event and he was doing calligraphy on Chinese fan.
There are some strings live music performance during the event.

Just Some Trial

Just tried cut in different angle, in a dramatically cropping.Iron Man.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Silhouette with Half or Full Body

To produce a silhouette which more than a portrait was not easy an easy job, it involved some basic visual planning like how to cut the detail line of the silhouette to highlight the composition; it involved demanding accuracy of the figure’s proportionate scales.Usually I would not do such silhouette cutting during events entertaining booking due to need some times to produce it and I need to use at least A5 size paper to cut it out.

Girl In Dragon Hat

  The Side view or side profile of a girl wearing a hat in Chinese dragon shape