Saturday, July 28, 2018

Silhouette Cutting for Ink & Cut event at Cathay Building

Did silhouette cutting for event at Cathay last month.
There are real tattoo demo and free hair cut by show relevant amount of receive who meet the requirement ;p

My booth and some of my works ;p

Portrait Silhouette Cutting is a serious art that the artist demand the artwork must as close as the real person, try obtain percent looks a like, nothing to be allow to do a rough artwork, you got to b really practice hard and it is a real skill that not playing cheat;  unfortunately there are too many fake artists in the market now.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Event at Foodfare Kallang Wave

Did silhouette cutting for an event weeks ago, the venue is Kallang Wave which near Stadium MRT.
Some of the works.

I seldom do couple type cutting except certain events like wedding, or when there are sufficient time for me to do so. To do 2 in 1 cutting, the scoring must be very accurate otherwise the output unable to use. ;p

Photo with a happy family ;p

Face painter at work.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Silhouette Cutting at Siem Reap, Cambodia

I felt blessed that I got a chance do silhouette cutting at Siem Reap Cambodia!

It was a real great unforgettable experience to do event in the country I never go before ;p 

The tidbits was big size! This was first time I saw this, it prepared by Le Meridien Angkor.

It was Pedro's boutique outlet's 5th Annevesary at Siem Reap ;p

Had a chance to take photo with celebrities!

That was great I met many nice guests in the event.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Movie Character Silhouette

Watched Black Panther Movie, and found that the hat of the queen mother Ramonda in the movie was very special, so I decided to search the net and found a side view photo of her.

I thought was an easy job but end up have to spend some times and then finally get the closes artwork  that I want. Haahaa!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Event at Safra Toa Payoh

Did silhouette cutting fora private event to night. Managed to do couple silhouette cutting during the starting timing when not much guests queuing at my booth.

To produce a 2 in one couple cutting, the scoring and the ration of the portrait must very accurate, otherwise will became an ugly artwork.

The more complex of the hair style will be produce a much more visual-able artwork.

The event of to night.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Silhouette Cutting at Tampines HUB

Did silhouette cutting at Tampines HUB for Tampines GRC Women's Day Event for this morning.

Great to met my Ex- Silhouette cutting partner William Lee in the event.

I started doing event since 1990, I met him about 2002 in Singapore's National Stadium's flea market, I encouraged him to pick up Silhouette cutting for event's activities, that was before Singapore's SAR's period.

We no longer work together due to we are busy doing our own business few years later, we just work individually, and whenever any event company ask for one more Silhouette Artist, I always pass his contact to them. I would say, up to do day 11 Mar 2018, nobody better then him because most of the new silhouette artists had not practice properly and take event job nowadays.

This is an old photo that we did Silhouette Cutting in the same event in many years ago ;p
I would say, William Lee did his Silhouette cutting from heart, he really put in effort for each of his work, not like nowadays new comer thinking doing silhouette cutting just to earn quick money and thought anyhow do it in cheating way and nobody can tell the different. We produce quality and quantities of artworks, not those new comer that only produce 6-10 cutting for an hour's booking!!!

That was a surprise that MP Baey Yam Keng came to our booth ;p I did the black color cutting and William Lee had did his color style silhouette cutting for the MP.

I remembered my first and last Wire Craft artwork fringe activity for and event was partnering with William Lee, and after that, William Lee had continuously doing Wire Craft till today.

What I do up today:
- Caricature
- Silhouette Cutting
- Palm and Face Reading
- Chinese Paper Cutting

What William Lee do up to today:
- Caricature
- Silhouette Cutting
- Pebble Art
- Wire Crafts
- Caricature on Mini Canvas, on Mini T Shirt, on Bookmarks
- Face Painting
- any items that I did not know..heehee!

So he should be much happy that he can earn much much $$$$$ than me!

William Lee got house, while I still renting house and struggling,
William Lee got wife to take care and have son that have a proper family, I do not have (help! please help me to get a wife and then get a son...)

William Lee got few cars and I not even have a driving license!
All my hair gone but he still got lots of hair!!!
He should be feel much super happy than that he had Win all liao!

Haahaa! My very old friend William Lee ;p

Girl In Dragon Hat

  The Side view or side profile of a girl wearing a hat in Chinese dragon shape