Saturday, October 17, 2009

Which Side to do the Silhouette?

Many guests were asking me which side of their face from side view is the best, to me it doesn’t make any different.

Technically, the producing of a portrait silhouette (side profile or the portrait’s side viewed shadow) is emphasized on the edge of the shape of the neck portion, to the jaw, the mouth, the nose, forehead till the shape of the hair style and etc.

Not like caricature or portrait drawing, silhouette cutting would not describe the rest or the details like what type of eye, what type shape of the ear and so ford, therefore hardly differentiate which side view of your portrait silhouette had been produced from.

Hence we are very demand on the likeness of the final product for sure.Talking about the likeness, not many people can tell by themselves whether the silhouette artwork being done was look alike with them or not, this is because in the whole world, majority of the human being only emphasized the front look of their own faces through the mirror, therefore the guests need to get their friends to tell them whether the silhouette artwork being done whether looks like them or not.

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Girl In Dragon Hat

  The Side view or side profile of a girl wearing a hat in Chinese dragon shape